We Provide the following services

What We Do

Services We Provide

Individual Loans

We offer loan to indivoduals, payable in installments

Group Loans

We offer loan to a group of indivodual, payable in installments by allthe group members

20 Week Loans

This is a low cost and relatively affordable product for small running businesses requiring minimum investment amount to the tune of UGX 300,000/=

30 Week Loans

This product is in the nature similar to the 20 week loan product except that its for a minimum investment amount of UGX 900,000/= repayable in 30 weeks duration. 

Best Expertise

Our Skill Making Your Business Shine.

Providing the Right Packages Microfinance isn't just about making smaller loans; the loan structures can vary greatly. Solidarity lending, for example, is a common method in which loans are made to communities rather than individuals.

We're dedicated to supporting better solutions to distinctly community concerns, and we strive to contribute positively in all that we do..

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OUR Services

We Are Specialized in the
Following Services

Group Loans

Personal Loans

Business Loans

Safe Custody Services

Advisory Services

Emergency Loans

Getting Financial help Became Easier

Asking for support of some sort necessitates vulnerability, and it can be particularly difficult when it comes to understanding how to apply for financial assistance.

When you’ve hit a rough patch, nevertheless, reaching out for help from others will help you get back on track to financial stability. We assist you in overcoming your fears and shame so that you can obtain the financial assistance you need.

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